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Paesaggi Forti is an artistic and cultural experience open and free for anyone to access, which fulfills the dual function of reading and narrating:

→ on the one hand, with the site-specific works of art by the artists of Alchemica AP, present both physically on site and virtually through phantom traces reachable by a QRcode;
→ on the other, presenting  a research on the reinterpretation of fortified Trentino landscapes curated by Marco Ferrari,with the participation of a group of young students and professionals formed around the Acropoli association.


🔗 read the text of the curator

The exterior, on the other hand, hosts a number of works of art, either physical or digital, produced by local artists.
These artworks embody the impressions and suggestions of the artists, who were called to imagine new landscapes and scenarios in the spaces of the Fort.

On-site visits were fundamental for the creative process and the artistic research behind the artworks: it was in these moments that suggestions and inspirations were collected, options for the realization of the artworks were discussed, and environmental sounds and images of the landscape were recorded.
The artists express their vision through their technical skills and a multidisciplinary approach.


Opening 7 August
17:30 - 20:30

The interior of the fort will festure a series of graphics, photographs and models that investigate the relationship among the Trentino forts and the landscapes in which they are located.

What does the Trentino fortified landscape really tell us?
The relationship between these structures and the surrounding context reveals unprecedented ecological possibilities of interpretation for these elements: a new vision of the territory and landscape on a regional scale.
The exhibition is the first part of a project that will be on display at Spazio Klien (Borgo Valsugana) and Gallerie di Piedicastello (Trento) between August and November 2022.


installations, land art, performances, music, experimental or acted audio tracks, videos, photos, photomontages

MAPPA-CADINE artisti.png

Clicca sui puntatori e scopri tutte le opere pensate per le diverse location del Forte di Cadine!

The exhibition will be open to visitors during the the normal opening hours of the fort, until October 2022.

The cultural and artistic exhibition  is curated by Alchemica APS, within the "Forti come Paesaggi" project, supported by Fondazione della Cassa Rurale di Trento in collaboration with SAT Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini, Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, Università degli Studi di Trento DICAM, TSM|step Scuola per il Governo del Territorio e del Paesaggio, Associazione Acropoli, Centrale Fies, Istituto Italiano dei Castelli Onlus and Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra Onlus, lanificio Bigagli

maps images  © ISPRA

The Cadine Fort  is transformed: from a border zone to a space open to the possible, a source of imagination and a starting point for alternative imagery and new narratives.


CF: 96104920226
SEDE FISICA - Via della Canova, 42 | 38121, Trento ITALY

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©2024 by Associazione Alchemica

TEL - +39 349 116 0880

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